Could Minimalism Be The Key To Your Dream Life?
Dec 26, 2024
It’s no secret that we live in a consumer driven society, motivated by instant and short-lasting rewards. This may be a result of an overstimulated brain, craving excitement and lacking fulfillment. In the last five years alone, since the lockdowns of 2020, consumer spending has increased in spite of fluctuating economic conditions. In fact, projections indicate an annual average growth of 112 million consumers and $2.4 trillion in revenue between 2020 to 2030 and we’re halfway there, and right on track.
Why is this a big deal? The significance lies in the fact that the majority of spend is allocated to material possessions, many of which are just adding to landfills, bodily chemical exposure and increased personal debt. Most consumer spending isn’t adding to one’s quality of life or quality of health, both physically, mentally or financially.
So, what’s the point of discussing this on a wellness site? Well, we’re in the “business” of empowering wellness and well-being. So many people desire a life of more freedom, fulfillment and purpose. They want to learn, grow and achieve big dreams, yet so many of theses same people are biding their time and money with typical consumer spending and attention. Driven by the latest tictok trends, and supported by the biggest pop star. And yet, we aren’t satisfied.
If all of this consumer spending is merely bringing us into debt, triggering more stimulation seeking and adding to our environmental toxin load, than why don’t we choose to do something different? Something like investing? Investing can look so different and it should be. We can invest in savings, in businesses, in additional education that serves a purpose. We can invest in others by giving, and we can invest in things that we believe in that can also grow our wealth. But most importantly, we can invest in ourselves!
We can turn that need for constant stimulation and short-lived “excitement” into purpose and personal growth and limitless possibility. We can take a course, give to others in need, start a business or build a savings that can give us safety. So, as the new year approaches, maybe we should re-think how we choose to live. Maybe a simple home, décor and wardrobe can translate into a powerful education and a thriving sustainable business venture that fulfills us daily.
Maybe it’s time we invested in a process of personal cultivation of our own health and our own life.
I train health and life coaches around the world in powerful multi-faceted systems. If you've ever contimplated becoming a health or life coach or desire to add to your toolbox and grow your vision, check out
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