How I Went From A Health Coach To Starting My Own International School
May 22, 2024
I'm Coach Britt and if you don't know me already, I am the Founder and Lead Educator of HWCA the #1 Gut Health School as well as the Author and Creator of Buddha Belly Life, this platform for Holistic Gut-Brain wellness and health coach resources. I started as a mom of 2 (At the time. I have 6 now:) living in low-income housing. After 10 years of nerding out on wellness research, reading and a lifetime of struggle with anxiety and depression, I decided to become a Health Coach!
Throughout this time period of working on my certification, my own hormone, infertility, miscarriages and mental health challenges had started drawing me towards the incredible influence of the Gut Microbiome which wasn't being touched on in the program that I had enrolled. After being the fastest graduate of this school, I went on to write a book about gut health. I really wanted to share this info as it had been LIFE CHANGING for me. The Gut was literally connected, at the root, to EVERY DISEASE out there! Why weren’t more professionals teaching this? Why, at least weren’t coaching schools? So, I made the book into a course and started offering it at the school I had attended. My course was popular and the partnering school was stoked! Not long after, it was very clear that the school had a higher interest in making $ off selling these enthused coaches more certifications than they did actually assisting them in coaching and because of this, I separated from this partnership. I had learned so much though. I learned that not only were most programs NOT teaching Gut Health, especially in a Holistic way, they were leaving these coaches with education and little assistance in actually getting clients, developing a business machine and seeing their dreams into fruition.
So, we did exactly this. As I was building my own business strategies, I was simultaneously equipping my HWCA Health Coaches with the skills to do the same. After nearly 8 years, we've continued to grow with coaches in over 24 countries and we've also continued to add things that we saw missing such as a Done for You client protocol and sellable system, Microbiome Testing, Lab Access, Clinical Grade Supplement Access and Ongoing Education. My Academy became more than just an educational institution, it became a business partnership with my trained coaches. Today, we've continued to grow, even in our own grassroots way and many of my coach’s partner with me, selling our Buddha Belly Holistic Gut Restoration program, in THIER OWN packages of services, complementing their niche and brand.
I didn't get "lucky" I got moving. I just kept moving with an intention to contribute to others. This was my key, going from low-income housing with 2 kids, one who was and infant, breastfeeding full time and finding time (40mins during nap) to start writing a book that I self-published, turned into a course and started learning enough business to sell this program. We started so simply on Instagram, before it was as busy as it is now, but grew by learning how to make partnerships, encourage referrals, ad strategy, email list building and nurturing, automations and so forth. I just kept moving and I kept utilizing what I had learned to assist my coaches in doing the same. Every month I jump on a LIVE Mastermind with my coaches and grads to help them pitch and catch, to move through obstacles and towards goals. I plan on continuing to move, grow and take my amazing coaches WITH me.
The first step is knowing what you want. The second in believing that you can get there. The third is designing a strategy to reach the goal, a set of actions that you do over and over until you get a result and the fourth is simply showing up, consistently, again and again. I still follow the same strategies that I train my coaches to follow and it really does work.
I train health and life coaches around the world in powerful multi-faceted systems. If you've ever contimplated becoming a health or life coach or desire to add to your toolbox and grow your vision, check out
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